Everyone likes to own a company but not many people are willing to take the risk and make that first step to startup a company. The key to startup a company is knowledge the more you know the more desire you will have to startup a company. It is important to have enough information to have a successful business. You cannot simply have a dream of owning a startup and start a company because you will fail, you need to know the recipe to run a company with a specific business. The business idea alone is not enough because you need to have the set of skills to put the company together and run it.
You cannot do business unless if you register for a company in the country where you would like to conduct your business. It is essential to learn the procedures of registering a company. You also need to keep in mind that every country has different rule and regulation. You can also find agencies that provide services in registering a company for you. Having an office or an address for your business Once you learn the procedures of registering a company it is essential to find an office. You also will need to find an office before you can register for a company because you will need to use an address to register your company. If you would like to conduct your business without an office, then you can register with a virtual office to register your company. There are many companies that offer virtual offices and the cost of renting virtual office is not costly, it can cost between $500 to $1500 per year. Finding an accountant One of the essentials of starting a company is finding a good accountant, if you already have an accounting degree or experience then it shouldn’t be a problem. You also would like to keep in mind that you don’t have to get full-time accountant but instead, you can keep all you receipt and give them to the accounting agencies that prepares your annual statement. You can also purchase accounting software and use it yourself, you can find videos on YouTube that teach you how to use the accounting software. This step is an essential step for a starting up a company because many people worry about the accounting difficulties that they might face. In the long run, it is highly advised to have a full-time accountant. Developing a website for your business Depending on the business you would like to conduct but the website for your business is highly advised. For example, if you would like to open up a restaurant then website is highly advised because you should use the website and social network to increase awareness. The website is the face of your company, therefore, it is highly advised to have a website. The website of your company does not have to be fancy but it should be informative and interesting. Visitors like using websites that are user-friendly. It is also important to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your website so that you can drive traffic from google and bing search. Finding good employee It is essential to have good employees for your company, the employees can add great value to your company. Employees come before customers because if you have good employees that know all the essential steps to treat customers well then these employees will keep your customers which will add huge value to your company. Funding your company I left this to the last because I did not want you to think about funding, in the end, most of the people do not even bother learning because they don’t have money to finance their company. Funding a company is an essential part of starting a company but if you do not have money to finance your company that does not mean you should not learn. There are many ways to fund a company few of the ways to finance your company are: Taking a loan, borrowing from friend and family, having a partner and having a customer before you start your company. There are several businesses that can be started which you can get money from customers in advance which will help you to start your company. ![]() Everyone has a unique relationship with money. As the saying goes, ’money makes the world go around’. Three-quarters of Americans say money is a source of stress in their lives. Not having enough of it can be a major stressor. Having it and not knowing how to use it to make it last is also stressing. The financial disorder can be explained as patterns that are self-destructive and self-limiting on money related issues. In this article, we will cover three types of financial disorder that many people face in their daily life.
This is a condition where the sufferer believes that everything revolves around money and can be solved by getting as much of it as possible. This can be seen in behavior such as workaholism, where one will work more and more in the belief that money will flow in as long one is working for it. Some will be tempted to take shortcuts to making lots of money. This could lead to pathological gambling where one is always looking to hit the jackpot. On the other hand, there are overspenders who believe spending money pulls them to make more so that they can spend it. This destructive cycle traps them as strongly as a drug addiction. Money worshiping is one of the types of financial disorder which many of us might have. Money avoidance Those suffering from this condition believe that everything will be OK financially as long as they are not spending any money or spend as little as possible. This underspending can be seen in an obsession with bargains and discounts. Sufferers of this condition will also be misers. Hoarding is also a tendency of people suffering this kind of financial disorder. This kind of disorder can lead to denial where one belief ignoring expenditures will lead to better financial stability. Refusal to look at bills, bank statements and another evidence of expenditures is a good sign of this disorder. Money avoidance is one of the types of financial disorder which might not be big of a deal but it makes a huge difference in our life. The outflow of money is not checked and controlled, therefore when you need money it will not be there without realizing. Financial relation disorder This financial disorder is seen in people who believe that they should not discuss their money issues with other people even close ones like spouses. When they report on money matters, they lie and give incorrect information. Extreme behavior from this disorder could be seen in spending large amounts and keeping it from a spouse, or taking out a loan without reporting to the spouse. The financial relational disorder can also be seen in people who give away money even when they cannot afford to. For example, a parent supporting an adult who cannot get finances straight. This is also referred to as financial enabling. One feels guilt at being financially successful when others especially close relatives are worse off financially. ![]() Being a good entrepreneur takes skill, good timing and often luck. Many people get into business and find it hard becoming successful, or take years after many tries. You could be trying your hand at business with no success. May be it is time you looked at what is keeping you from success.
It is surprising how many people get into business without giving it much thought. Following the herd on a successful a trend is tempting and many entrepreneurs go along without doing enough research. Going headlong into a business without a business plan is the source of failure for many entrepreneurs. You must do enough research into the product, the market and how competitive the product will be once on the market. You rush Going along without a business plan is compounded by making rushed decisions. Careful thought is required for issues such as financials, human resources and so on. Entrepreneurs make decisions on issues they are not competent in. As an entrepreneur starting out, you will be tempted to be the accountant, marketer and director all in one. This leads to wrong decision making on issues because you are ill informed. You don’t put a good team together You will have to take on help when running a business. Your success will very much depend on who you choose for your team. Your choice should ideally be based on merit and competency. Executing your business plan successfully will depend on how well the team understands it and their capacity to put ideas into action. |
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July 2017