According to the video publish by Youtube Channel PBS NewsHour, this "All the financial advice you’ll ever need fits on a single index card". All these are easier to say than doing it. Every individuals have their own behaviors and issues in life, some of the financial advise on the list can be arguable and some of them can be very helpful. One of the list we can argue is how much we can save?, according to his list people should save about 10 to 20 percent of their income, and then one women asked how can we save that much we only make 20k a year. It is little hard to pay when your income is low and when you have too much expense and that is why so many people are willing to use credit card to be able to buy the things they need. The consumption increased after 1969 in US when Consumer Credit Protection Act was imposed and 1974 when UK imposed Consumer Credit Act. Maybe people were better of before these years since they would only be able to spend the money that was available for them. PBS NewsHour The other rules are relatively nice, and it is really helpful to those who really needs them. I guess in the end all the 10 rules are nice but some of the related to some people and others related to other people.
Hedge Fund is type of investment that gathers investments and invest in different types of assets and portfolios. List of things to know about Hedge Fund: Hedge Fund is available only to certain investors mostly to wealth investors. Hedge Funds they charge certain fees, but according to the video 2%, it is up to the Hedge Fund companies how much they want to charge. Hedge Funds charge fees when the portfolio and investment makes money but if there is a loss then they don't receive the percentage of the profit but they also do not have to bare the loss. Based on the video below it explains how hedge fund companies makes money. The video on how hedge funds makes money was upload on Youtube Channel by Financial TImes. Financial Times Hedge Funds are opening their market to less wealthier people. Based on the video above it shows how risky is to invest in Hedge Fund even then most of the investors would have loved to invest in Hedge Funds regardless of the fees they charge to their investors. The good thing about Hedge Fund is that they negotiate with the companies the invest.
Venture Capital is the way of funding your ideas, there are many entrepreneurs with great ideas with amazing team needs needs funding to startup their company. In the video below by the Youtube channel "Capital News Online" explains in an easy way to understand what is venture capital. Capital News Online The video does not address the dynamic impacts of venture capitals and the issues of venture capital. Usually the the entrepreneurs have a lot lower owner ship of the company since they do not have that much risk, besides investing their time and effort. The issues are usually with the ownership agreement and power. This videos explains well and easy about "what is venture capital?".